Keep a handle

on your project

How2SE makes managing projects easier

Systems Engineering: keeping a handle on your project

The biggest challenge with any sizable project is keeping a handle on the complete process, from start to finish. It is crucial that all parties collaborate, that the information flow is channelled in a consistent way and that the progress of the project is carefully monitored. No easy task. But How2SE and the implementation of Systems Engineering make it achievable.

Take, for example, a large infrastructure project such as the construction of a railway tunnel or a floodgate. Many parties are involved: clients, contractors, environmental agencies, governments, citizens etc. Not only is it important that all of those parties work together seamlessly, but they also need to be kept up-to-date on the status of the project at any given time. Communication on the ground, however, is often difficult due to misunderstandings that can result in dissatisfied stakeholders, design flaws, delays and increasing costs. Whilst the desire to succeed is there, the knowledge required to unambiguously allocate tasks and responsibilities and to keep everyone on the same page, is lacking. How2SE has that knowledge.

Systems Engineering with How2SE

With SE, identifying the needs of stakeholders and users is important. Decisions need to be well informed and agreements need to be kept. in other words: the complexity of a project needs to be managed. How does How2SE do that? Read more...

How2SE as the leading SE supplier

How2SE was involved in creating the SE Guidelines and has a leading role within the trade association, INCOSE. To date, we have trained more than 2,000 engineers. Get to know us.


Customised applicable training

Want to learn all there is about SE? We offer several courses, both in a classroom setting and on-the-job.

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How2SE makes managing projects easier

How2SE consultants specialise in managing complex projects using Systems Engineering (SE). SE is a tried and tested methodology that makes projects easier to manage and organise effectively. The essence of SE involves defining customer- and system requirements, documenting agreements and sharing information. This is done in such a way that all decisions and communication are always traceable.

Working together towards a common goal

SE creates assurance, clarity, security and time & cost savings, and ensures that the result meets the client’s requirements. As such, all parties work towards a common goal, under the guidance of How2SE.

Systems Engineering in civil engineering and other domains

Systems Engineering can be applied in any arena that demands close control over complex projects. How2SE has gained credibility in the civil engineering, healthcare, shipbuilding, oil and gas, defence and food sectors.

The team

How2SE is the coming together of five top Systems Engineering consultants: Paul Schreinemakers, Martin van de Ven, Willem van Abkoude, Erik Elich and Omar El-Haloush have a track record in Civil Engineering, Healthcare, Defence, Oil & Gas and Financial services. They each manage complex projects for medium to large sized organisations, such as the Dutch Public Works and Water Management, ProRail (Dutch railway company), governments and private companies. Thanks to their experience and creative powers, How2SE has become a leading authority in the area of Systems Engineering and drives innovation.

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Should you ask How2SE to manage your project, or does it make more sense to educate employees in Systems Engineering? How2SE offers a variety of courses covering all disciplines within Systems Engineering. Immediately applicable and, where necessary, tailored entirely to your specific project. The ideal solution for customers and contractors, civil engineering agencies and project teams.

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